2022 Chevrolet Corvette - today's auction tempter

By: Guy Allen, Unique Cars mag

corvette 1 2022 Chevrolet Corvette - today's auction tempter corvette 1
corvette 2 2022 Chevrolet Corvette - today's auction tempter corvette 2

Mid-engined supercar

In case you hadn't yet caught up, this C8 series Corvette is like no predecessor – with the big news being the mid-mounted engine.

Corvette is one of those names that has survived generations by being a very American car, which may not have always implied finessse but certainly included character. 

That means it's had its critics over the years, including our own Dave Morley. However the new-gen has won him over.

In a recent column he wrote: "I haven’t always been very polite on the subject of Chevrolet Corvettes. Fact is, I’ve driven every model since the C3 and I was often quoted as saying I was yet to drive a good one...

"You can’t help but feel Chevrolet figured it was time to stop messing about and get serious. What else could explain the move to a mid-engined layout...

"That’s what Chevy did and the resulting C8 is a masterpiece. Of course, there’s more to it than that. The steering is bang on the money and the suspension (magnetically adjustable donchaknow) is about as perfectly calibrated as anything else with the ability to pull the big Gs. It’s quiet inside and while it’s a big car for a two-seater, its proportions are just lovely."

The 2022 example up for auction with Collecting Cars is a top-of-the-range Carbon Edition, claiming 2400km on the odo.

Its 6.2lt V8 claims a hefty 364kW and runs an eight-speed auto. See it here.


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