2009 Morgan-style V8 special - today's tempter

By: Unique Cars magazine

morgan1 2009 Morgan-style V8 special - today's tempter morgan1
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Interesting one-off

While building a replica vehicle from scratch has huge appeal, myriad challenges rise up once you advance from the idea through to the reality of getting it on the road.

That someone chose to emulate historic marque Morgan is not entirely surprising, given the factory cars are essentially hand-built and the designs perhaps lend themselves to this approach.

The car runs a 5.0lt Ford Windsor V8 tied to a four-speed manual.

Running knock-on spoke wheels, it also features a leather interior.

It claims around 15,000km of use since it was built and put through compliance in Queensland.

It’s with John Conroy in Brisbane, priced at $54,990.


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