Euro Hot Ups - Shedmaster

By: Tiarna Condren, Photography by: Euro Empire Auto

When it comes to standing out on the road, classic cars fend for themselves amongst the flocks of modern metal.

Euro Hot Ups - Shedmaster
Euro Empire Auto owner Sam Robinson

Sometimes however, owners of modern cars want to know they are driving a one-of-a-kind ride that can’t be rivalled. 

Euro Empire Auto embodies this feeling, providing modern car parts and modifications to create unique European rides.  

Inspired by his own struggles to source interesting parts for his Mercedes A250, owner Sam Robinson says he wanted to create a space where enthusiasts could source anything with ease.

"I always strayed away from the traditional parts and wanted to be a bit different in my build, a bit more unique," he says.

"I was always having to look at random websites and other alternatives overseas to get parts that weren't available to me in Australia. 

"I'd have to do hours and hours of research to find parts that normal sites in Australia weren't offering."

The difficulties inspired him to set up his own shop, ordering stock to his home garage.

"And that’s how it all started. I’ve loved cars my whole life, and of course, the parts that come with that."


European cars had always held a special place for Sam, with Audi, BMW and Mercedes Benz appealing to him the most. 

"There was something about Mercedes in particular, I really was intrigued by the interior, the motors, and everything that set them apart from the other brands," he says. 

"And I thought, these are the kind of vehicles that I want to be putting myself in so I should be supplying the parts."

Euro Empire Auto now offers over 300 parts on their website, without including the variance of each part. 

Sam says they also pride themselves on going above and beyond for their customers, assisting with locating more bespoke parts.

"We often have customers reach out wanting something a bit different, so we step in and message our manufacturers to see if that's something we can offer," he says. 

"About 95 per cent of the time it is something we can usually source for them."

As an enthusiast himself, Sam loves to see his customers get creative with their builds, a recent Volkswagen Golf Mk7 project particularly grabbing his attention.


Purchasing a carbon fibre hood, the customer explained to Sam his one-of-a-kind plans.

"He's got a robot craftsman kit he's putting on it, which is going to be the first one in Australia."

"This build will be super unique and something we love doing is indulging in builds that other people kind of try avoiding."

Sam says people often fear unique builds because of the uncertainty. Will the parts fit? How will it look?

The team at Euro Empire Auto however are up to the challenge, working closely with the customer providing them with carbon fibre parts and other support.

"That’s what I love doing so I love helping other people do the same."

Sam has recently upgraded his own Mercedes, moving on to an A45 and is excited to start playing around with it.

"This car is completely stock from the factory; nothing has been done to it."

"I'm now taking this build under my wing and seeing what I can do to this car."

Sam says he will be documenting his journey on the Euro Empire Auto website and uploading all of the parts so customers can follow along.


10/14 Harrington Street, Arundel QLD 4214

Phone: +61 437 900 159

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