Sunbeam Rapier - Reader Ride

By: Cliff Chambers

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We caught up with Neville Kennard and his Sunbeam Rapier at the recent Mac's Bridge car display in Queensland

Neville Kennard's 1972 Sunbeam Rapier coupe might look unfamiliar to Aussie car lovers, but it is one of several to call Australia home. Although a couple of the Hillman-based coupes did come to Australia for evaluation when new, our surviving cars are all believed to be personal imports from the UK or New Zealand.

"I bought this car about four years ago from a guy who lives here in Queensland and has three, but I did own one myself back in New Zealand," Neville said. "It was a lovely car but being a two door not practical with a young family, so I had to sell it."

| Reader Resto: 1968 Sunbeam Rapier


Neville recalled being attracted to the Rapier by its unusual pillarless styling. Then he discovered its designers saw it as a British version of the US-built Plymouth Barracuda.

"You certainly can see that American influence in the shape," Neville remarked. "Also inside, because the designer had allegedly been a bomber pilot in World War 2 and liked cars to have a lot of dials."

| Read next: Mac's Bridge display 2021


From Unique Cars #457, Sep 2021


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